Article: Detangling Natural Afro Hair

Detangling Natural Afro Hair
Why is detangling natural Afro hair crucial?
Although it can be difficult, detangling natural afro hair is essential for keeping it healthy, moisturized, and manageable. The secret to having healthy and thriving hair may lie in properly detangling your hair.
Here are 9 suggestions for detangling natural hair to lead you on a TANGLE-FREE hair journey!
Apply a pre-poo treatment to your hair, such as coconut oil, castor oil, and grapeseed oil, before washing it. The hair will become softer and more moisturized as a result, making detangling much easier. We recommend the Nature's Little Secret Fenugreek Detangling Pre-poo below.

2. Implement a detangling shampoo or conditioner
To untangle and moisturize natural afro hair, look for shampoos and conditioners that are designed specifically for this purpose. Some well-liked alternatives are shampoos with components like shea butter and coconut oil or aloe vera and avocado oil conditioners. The Red Palm Oil & Cocoa Butter Detangling Shampoo by Shea Moisture is one of our favourites.

3. USE a wide tooth comb
Because they are delicate and won't pull or snag the hair, wide-tooth combs are the finest tool for detangling natural hair and are a better option than the fine tooth comb which can cause breakage. Take little portions of hair at a time, starting at the ends and working your way up to the roots. Try this Wide Tooth Comb by Tangle Teezer for the best results.

4. Finger detangling
Natural hair can be detangled with this approach gently and efficiently. Starting at the ends and moving up to the roots, gently separate and untangle tangles with your fingertips. Although it can take longer, finger detangling is less likely to result in breaking than using a comb.
5. Use a tangle-removing brush
Because it is made to gently untangle tangles and knots, a detangling brush is an excellent tool for natural afro hair. The bristles of the brush are flexible and effortlessly slide through hair, reducing breakage. We recommend the KCG Detangler Hair Brush for this method.

6. Part your hair
Sectioning your hair makes it simpler to detangle and style. Work on one portion at a time, keeping the sections apart with hair ties or clips.
7. Be persistent
It can take some time to detangle natural afro hair, therefore it's crucial to be patient and take your time. Rushing through the process increases the risk of breakage and damage, so go slowly.
8. Make use of a leave-in conditioner
Detangling natural afro hair can benefit from leave-in conditioners. They may lubricate and hydrate the hair, which will facilitate detangling. Try the Born Curly Argan Leave-in Conditioner and Detangler by As I Am.

9. Detangling damp hair
Untangling knots whilst hair is damp is another popular method for detangling natural hair strands. This could be a good option for wash day (but you could always use a spray bottle with a little water and your favorite leave-in conditioner to wet and detangle your hair between washes). Depending on your hair texture, damp hair could be slightly more manageable, but it is important to note that your hair will be more fragile when damp so be sure to take care and be gentle when using this detangling process. Try using a detangling brush for better results on damp or wet hair.
Not least, it's critical to remember that each person has unique hair, so what works for one person might not always work for another. It's a good idea to test various techniques to discover which suits your hair best. Regular detangling is also necessary to keep your hair healthy and manageable. To prevent tangling and breaking, it's also crucial to maintain hair hydrated, refrain from using too much heat when styling, and avoid over-manipulating it. If you are unsure or worried, speak to a trichologist or hairstylist.